Arguments for the existence of God based on observation

Arguments based on observation                   (Philosophy of Religion 2a) In the teleological argument, what does teleological mean? In the cosmological argument, what does cosmological mean? What a posteriori knowledge? What is a priori knowledge? What is natural theology? How does a study of natural theology link to knowledge… Read More Arguments for the existence of God based on observation

Reasons for the rise of atheism: the awareness of other faiths (AP11)

Prior to the twentieth century, knowledge of other religions was very limited.  With the increasing ease of worldwide travel and the greater study of different faiths, many more people are aware of multiple faiths.  In a society such as the UK which has become multicultural to an extent, many of these religions, beliefs and practices… Read More Reasons for the rise of atheism: the awareness of other faiths (AP11)

Objections to the Cosmological Argument – the fallacy of composition CA2(ii)

This objection states that the cosmological arguments commits a fallacy of composition. What is a fallacy of composition and how does it relate to the cosmological argument? Firstly, the word fallacy.  A fallacy is a false idea, belief or notion.  It literally means ‘a deception’, so in philosophy, a fallacy refers to a deceptive, false or… Read More Objections to the Cosmological Argument – the fallacy of composition CA2(ii)

RE2b(iv) Challenges to the argument from religious experience 3 – more likely explanations

David Hume, an 18th century Scottish philosopher is one of the most influential empirical philosophers.  Empiricism is the idea that knowledge comes from experience, so for Hume, the only we can know something is through some form of experience.  He once wrote that: “the wise man proportions his belief to the evidence.” By this he… Read More RE2b(iv) Challenges to the argument from religious experience 3 – more likely explanations